So after much consideration, umming and ahhing I have decided to move blogs. I originally created this blog to share my creations and attempts at new crafting skills and techniques, something which I have not really done recently – life (the boring part of it) has sort of got in the way. I keep making, pitiful, attempts to look after my blog but I feel I have sort of lost my way.
However in just 7 short weeks (yes really only 7 WEEKS!) me, Martin, 2 horses, 2 gerbils and a van full of our favourite things will be taking a one way, non-refundable ferry ticket to France, to our new home!!! So I thought that now was as good a time as any to change some things around.
So from today I will be blogging from Cupcakes & Clover. This will be mainly made up of photos and bits and pieces about what I am stitching, sewing, sticking, cutting, bending and painting – I want to try and keep it very creative, with a bit of France news for good measure!
I will also be keeping everyone up to date with our daily antics, moving news, and the trials and tribulations we are sure to face when we arrive en
I hope that you all come visit me at Cupcakes & Clover and Socks at The Wanderings of a Stripy Sock Dog.
X x x
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